Friday, August 25, 2006

"Photography by Rae" says good-bye

Well, not really. Just our title.

I came up with the name "Photography by Rae" for my studio several years ago when I was still a Schultz. (yeah, try saying Rae Schultz ten times fast!! i dare you!) Rae Schultz had no ring to it, and I was waiting on a ring that I knew would change my name. So, now, after a year of being married, I am ready to change the business name to "Rae Barnes Photography." Boring? maybe. But, it is important to me that my clients and my potential clients associate me and all my character traits and quirks directly to my business. Besides... it was either this or "catch-a-star photography," and that made my husband, Chris, gag. (no go) So, "rae barnes" it is! Afterall, that's who i am... well, not legally... Rachel Elizabeth Barnes, if you want to be formal, but if you do, i will probably mistake you for a telemarketer.

So, to go along with the new name, i HAD to get a new image. So... coming very soon... a NEW funky, cool website!!! My logo will be coming soon also (but not as soon- more like in a month). You can still find us at, but we will be shifting over to or We will own all three sites for the next year at least.

Thank you all for your support as we lay "Photography by Rae" (and that scripty Zapfino font you see EVERYWHERE at spas these days) to rest... this should be a joyous occassion, but i know it may be difficult for some of you. call us anytime toll-free at 1-800-raefans for any consulation you may need. ;-)

P.S. we also own for that hopeful day when Chris is doing this full-time with me!! who knows when? ;-)


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