California! (pt 3)

I have so many images I want to post from our trip that I am just piling them on for this final post since we are leaving TOMORROW for IRELAND!!! I am so excited. These images are from trips with my brother to Wayfarers Chapel and the Aquarium in Long Beach, trips with Chris' grandpa to Laguna Beach, and a trip to Disneyland with Chris' cousins Heather, Kendra and Macie. The pile of work is dwindling to that which can wait until we get back on March 12. Oh, and by the way, not sure who says "yikes" these days, but apparently I do when I am REALLY tired. Catch me in about 3 hours, and I might be saying it again. ;-)
(Just kidding- Photoshop crashed on me, and I lost all the resized images from everything other than Disney. I honestly can't take the time today to resize them again- sorry to disappoint! Maybe later...)
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