Friday, September 01, 2006

Site launch postponed...

Bummer, I know. Our tech support person is in need of support herself (her computer died and had to be laid to rest), so we have no idea when the new site will officially launch. But, i have been working very hard the last two days on it. If you want a sneak peak, go to None of the text is there; much to my dismay. Some things need shuffling around, etc, but for the most part, the portfolio part and the contact part is ready to go (those are the most important, right?).

Sorry to any of you that were holding your breath. Chris and I are on vacation next Monday through Friday, so it is not likely to launch while we are gone (but who knows). Speaking of which, you will be getting those annoying automated responses to any emails you send me next week. If you absolutely must get a hold of me, call my cell (518.586.6827), and i might answer. But, i will get back to any messages. :-)


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