Ann Marie & Rob - Bolton Landing, NY

Wow! Busy weekend... we left early Sunday morning to get down to Bolton Landing on Lake George for Ann Marie and Rob's wedding. We were so excited- not only because we had such a fun time with them at their engagement but because we had shot her sister Beth's wedding back in May, and we were so excited to see the whole gang again! (this time without any ambulances) Well, it was a downpoor on Sunday, flooding Porter's Cottages... so, this was-going-to-be outside but might-be-tent wedding ended up all indoors at the Lakeside Lodge & Grill. And, it was still beautiful! The rain stopped long enough to get some shots by the lake, and Ann Marie did all of her floral arrangements, which totally knocked our socks off! It was all around a really wonderful day (in spite of the rain)! Thanks guys!
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