Chris and I can hardly believe that it has been a year since we said "i do!" It has

been such an amazing year with so many blessings... one down, 100 to go! ;-) To celebrate our anniversary, we shot Sam & Dave's wedding in Lake George (shots to come later today), and then we went to Merril McGee's in Warrensburg for dinner.
After that, we could hardly contain our excitement for some year-old cake! So, we rushed back to the new and fabulous Hampton Inn in Lake George and cracked open some champagne and cake. Look at some of our crazy/cheesy shots (some taken with a timer).... We aren't as funny as we think, i know it, but we were cracking up. We didn't let the cake thaw very much before we tried to cut it with the plastic knife. But, the cake was very surprisingly amazing!! It had been tightly wrapped with extra clingy plastic wrap, so I guess that did it. Of course, it helps that it was the most amazing cake ever last year-
www.cakesbyjane.com (orange pound cake with chocolate in the middle- note we dug a cave in the cake to get to the chocolate- haha).
If you would like to see some shots of our big day, our photographer
Scott Hubener (aka Scott Lessing Photography) has us up on his site. Although you know us as Chris and Rae, we are known as "Tasha and Nathan" on this man's site. Ha! Enjoy! We certainly have.